The queues API serves as a high-level abstraction on top of the run APIs. It simplifies the process of running APIs in an order-based, rate limited manner by handling rate limits and concurrent execution limits.

Suitable use cases for queues is when trying to emulate a user’s interaction with a website, where you may want to queue up multiple payloads that represent sequental actions to run.

Queues allow you to:

  • Queue up APIs to run on demand with guaranteed order.
  • Configure APIs to queue up periodically.
  • Sink the results of the APIs to a destination such as a webhook.
  • Extend the API payloads to dynamically queue up other APIs.
  • Impose rate limits for the queued up API runs.
  • Configure periods which the queue can pause execution.
  • Add random delays between API runs.


Each queue requires to be configured upon creation, which will control various aspects of the queue, such as the rate limits and the destination of the results.

This section will be a brief overview of the properties that can be configured for a queue. For detailed information about the types and shapes of the properties, please refer to the create queue API reference.


The configuration of a queue configures the retry policy, rate limits, schedule and random delays between API runs.

Retry policy

The retry policy configures the queue-level maximum number of attempts to run a payload. This value can be overridden by the payload.

The retries in queues are guaranteed to be executed in order. Before moving on to the next payload, the queue will keep retrying the same payload until it succeeds or the maximum attempts are reached.

Rate limits

The rate limits configuration controls the maximum number of payloads that can be queued up in a given time period. It consists of an array of rate limits, each with a limit and a duration. The limit is the maximum number of payloads that can be executed in the duration time frame. The duration is an ms-formatted string.

The union of the rate limits of the queue and the payload will be used. For example, if you have a limit of 10 items per hour and 2 items per minute, 2 items will be executed in the first minute and 2 more in the following minute until the 10 per hour limit is reached (assuming there are sufficent queued-up payloads).


The schedule is an optional property to configure the queue to pause and resume execution periodically. This is useful if you want the queue to stop executing at specific time periods, lets say outside of business hours. It consists of two cron expressions, one for the start of the pause period (pause) and one for the end of the pause period (resume).

Random wait

The random wait configuration allows you to add a random delay between API runs. This is useful if you want to emulate a user’s interaction with a website, where the time between actions is not constant. It consists of a range of either milliseconds or ms-formatted strings.


The sink configuration controls where the results of the API runs will be sent. Currently, the only supported sink for queues is a webhook. The webhook will receive a POST request with the results of the API run.

Check out the API reference for sinks for more information about the configuration and output format of the sinks.

Queue items

Queue items are the payloads that are queued up to be executed. They can override the queue’s retry policy.

While the queue is running, payloads can be dynamically appended to the queue from the APIs it is running. This allows for running payloads conditionally based on the output of other APIs.

More details on queue items configurations can be found here.

Repeatable items

Repeatable items are items that are queued up periodically. They are configured with an ms-formmated period that determines when the item should be queued up.

More details on repeatable items configurations can be found here.

Using queues

The queue API allows you to create, get and delete queues. You can also append payloads to the queue, check their results or de-queue them if they have not executed. It also allows you create repeatable items, update them, retrieve their results and delete them.