
If you are using the job or queue APIs to consume your project APIs, you have the option to sink the output of the job or queue. This allows you to manage the results of your project API runs in a more flexible way.

At Intuned, we currently support 2 types of sinks:

  • Webhook: Send the output of the job or queue to a webhook URL.
  • AWS S3: Store the output of the job or queue in an AWS S3 bucket.


The Webhook sink allows you to send the output of the job or queue to a webhook URL. This is useful if you want to send the output to a third-party service or to your own service.

Both jobs and queues support the Webhook sink.

For more information on how to configure the Webhook sink, see the Webhook sink documentation.


The AWS S3 sink allows you to store the output of the job or queue in an AWS S3 bucket as a file. This is useful if you want to easily persist the output of your project API runs and easily access them later.

Only jobs support the AWS S3 sink.

For more information on how to configure the AWS S3 sink, see the AWS S3 sink documentation.