
The Webhook sink allows you to send the output of the job or queue to a webhook URL. This is useful if you want to send the output to a third-party service or to your own service.

Jobs and queues support the Webhook sink.


The Webhook sink requires configuring the URL to send the output to. This URL must be accessible from the Intuned platform. you can optionally add additional headers to be sent with the webhook request.

  "type": "webhook",
  "url": "",
  "headers": {
    "Authorization": "Bearer <token>"



The Webhook sink will send a POST request to the configured URL with a JSON payload containing the API run result and additional data. Check out the sink body page for more information on the body of the Webhook sink request.


The webhook call will be considered successful if the response status code is an ok response. If the response status code is not an ok response, the webhook call will be considered a failure.