
Before consuming a project, it must be deployed. Checkout How to deploy a project to learn more.

To use a project functions and APIs, you can call them directly (HTTP APIs) or use Jobs and Queues to orchestrate them.

Run API: Sync vs. Async

You can use the run APIs to execute a specific API function within a project. There are two ways to call it: Sync and Async. Depending on how much time the API takes, you can choose to call it synchronously or asynchronously. Synchronous calls mean that the result is returned in the same HTTP call that was made to invoke API. Asynchronous calls mean that the result is returned in a separate HTTP call, using a runId that is returned in the first call.

Sync API run

Syn Run API should be used with care - most browser automation APIs take time and using the Sync method is not advised in that case.

For sync run, you are making 1 call to the Run Endpoint, this call will contain the api, parameters and any other configs. The API result will contain the response of the API.

Async API run

For async run, to execute an API and get the result, You are making 2 calls:

  • A call to the Run Start Endpoint, this call will contain the api, parameters and any other configs. The result for this call will contain the runId which can be used to get the result of the API.
  • A call to the Run Result Endpoint, this call will contain the runId and will return the result of the API.

What is a runId?

When you execute any API on Intuned (directly or via jobs or queues), we will create and assign a unique runId to that execution. This runId can be used to check the status (and get result) of the execution and can be used for monitoring purposes.


Jobs are a way to schedule recurring or batched executions. Checkout Jobs overview for more info.


Queues are a way to orchestrate execution in a queue with controlled rate limits. They are useful when you have a large number of runs to execute and you want to control the rate at which they are executed or when dealing with web services that have strict rate limits. For more info about Queues, please refer to the Queues API reference.