View all auth session

  1. Navigate to the project you monitor auth session state on:
  2. Select Auth Sessions tab within the project

Create Credentials-based auth session in the IDE

  1. Navigate to the project of your choice:
  2. Select Open IDE
  3. Set the run control to create.ts
  4. Create parameter selecting New parameters in the Parameters dropdown setting the test credentials in the parameters
  5. Set the parameters control to the parameter with the test credentials
  6. Run the create.ts API
  7. Upon completion, set the run control to an API in the api folder and you should see new-session-... set in the Auth Sessions dropdown.

Create Recorder-based auth session in the IDE

  1. Navigate to the project of your choice:
  2. Select Open IDE
  3. Set the run control to an API in the api folder
  4. Select the Auth Session dropdown and click Record new session
  5. Navigate to the Browser tab and complete the authentication flow
  6. Upon completion the browser session will complete and a new recorder-session-... will be set in the Auth Sesssions dropdown.

Create auth session for deployed projects

If you wish to create via API, please refer to references for Credentials-based auth and Recorder-based auth
  1. Navigate to the project of your choice:
  2. Select Auth Sessions tab within the project
  3. Select Create auth session button and complete the flow

Update an expired auth session

If you wish to update via API, please refer to references for Credentials-based auth and Recorder-based auth
  1. Navigate to the project of your choice:
  2. Select Auth Sessions tab within the project
  3. Find the expired auth session you are interested in updating
  4. Select more options ... button
  5. Select Update button
  6. Enter the necessary input, note the Id and proxy Url are optional, and click “Create”
    • For Credentials-based auth session you will be prompted to enter the user credentials into the input payload as defined in the auth-sessions/create.ts API.
    • For Recorder-based auth session a browser will pop-up on the target site you need to authenticate to at which point you can sign in and complete the creation.

Delete auth sessions

  1. Navigate to the project of your choice:
  2. Select Auth Sessions tab within the project
  3. Find the auth session you are interested deleting
  4. Select more options ... button
  5. Select Delete button