function extractArrayFromLocator(locator, options): Promise<Record<string, string>[]>

Extracts an array of structured data from a locator.



locator: Locator

The Playwright Locator object from which to extract the data.


options.itemEntityName: string

The name of the entity items being extracted. it must be between 1 and 50 characters long and can only contain letters, digits, periods, underscores, and hyphens.

options.itemEntitySchema: SimpleArrayItemSchema

The schema of the entity items being extracted.

options.label: string

A label for this extraction process, used for billing and monitoring.


Optional. A function to invalidate optional properties.

options.prompt?: string

Optional. A prompt to guide the extraction process.

options.strategy?: ImageStrategy | HtmlStrategy

Optional. The strategy to use for extraction, if not provided, the html strategy with claude haiku will be used.

options.variantKey?: string

Optional. A variant key for the extraction process.


Promise<Record<string, string>[]>

A promise that resolves to a list of extracted data.