
At Intuned, we provide different kinds of APIs. Project consumption APIs allows you to consume the browser automations, scrapers and integrations that are created on the Intuned Platform. Auth Session APIs allow you to create and manage auth sessions for your projects. Standalone file APIs allow you to process files without the need of creating a project. We offer both REST APIs that you can call directly and a TypeScript SDK (@intuned/client) that you can use in your project.

Intuned APIs are consumed using an API key in the context of your workspace. How to generate an API key. How to get your workspace Id.

Project Consumption

To use the browser automations, scrapers and integrations that are created on the Intuned Platform, we expose a set of APIs that allow you to consume your projects in different ways.

More information on the Project Consumption APIs can be found here.

Auth Session Management

If your projects require you to authenticate to a website, you can use the Auth Session APIs to create and manage auth sessions. Auth sessions allow you to authenticate to a website and maintain the session for project API runs.

More information on the Auth Session APIs can be found here.

Standalone File Processing

The standalone APIs allow you to process PDF and image files without consuming a project. We currently provide 3 operations:

  1. Extract structured data from file: Extract strucutred data from the file following a JSONSchema.
  2. Extract markdown from file: Extract markdown from the file, including headers, paragraphs, lists and tables.
  3. Extract tables from file: Extract tables from the file in JSON format.

More information on the Standalone File APIs can be found here.

Typescript SDK


npm install @intuned/client

Example Usage

import { IntunedClient } from "@intuned/client";

const intunedClient = new IntunedClient({
  apiKey: "<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>",
  workspaceId: "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee",

async function run() {
  const result = await"my-project", {
    api: "get-contracts",
    parameters: {
      "page": 1,
      "isLastPage": false,
    retry: {
      maximumAttempts: 3,

  // Handle the result


Other SDKs

Contact Us if you would like to request an SDK for a different language.

Postman Collection

For feedback on the Postman collection, contact us.